Sweet and Sour Chicken


  • ½ cup of Thai 3 Wheels Pad Thai Sauce
  • 1 tbsp. of cooking oil
  • 1/2 lb. of sliced chicken (beef, pork or shrimp work great as well.) 
  • Vegetables of your choice and tofu (optional)
  • 2 cloves of chopped garlic
  • 2 tbsp. of soy sauce
  • 1 tbsp. of ketchup 
  • 1 cup of tomatoes, cucumber
  • ½ cup of pineapple and carrot
  • ½ cup of white onions and green onions


  1. Heat up the pan with 1 tbsp. of oil, put chopped garlic and stir fry garlic until golden brown.
  2. Add chicken and stir fry for about 4-5 minutes until the meat is cooked.
  3. Add all the vegetables and onions in the pan and stir fry for about 3-4 minutes. 
  4. Add Pad Thai sauce (more can be added for a stronger flavor) then follow with soy sauce and ketchup, stir evenly for 2-3 minutes.

The delicious and healthy dish is now ready for you and your loved ones to enjoy. 

     Have fun cooking!

     Chef Kay, T3W Creative Chef ☺  

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